6:30 P.M. The sun is shading the fig trees in dappled brilliance, St. Mary's Cathedral looms over the lushness of Hyde Park, and a dozen Chinese performers are trying to say, "Happy New Year" in sync.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Year of the Tiger
6:30 P.M. The sun is shading the fig trees in dappled brilliance, St. Mary's Cathedral looms over the lushness of Hyde Park, and a dozen Chinese performers are trying to say, "Happy New Year" in sync.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
How a cat gets named Dingo

Once upon a continent, a young couple made a rash decision to move to Australia on a temporary work visa. They planted trees in the steaming tropics, the boy picked pumpkins, the girl picked limes. They helped refit a dive boat, took care of horses, mowed lawns, painted decks, drove from Cairns to Uluru, drove back from Uluru and on the way saw a white Dingo.
When their visas expired they returned to Chicago sunburnt and broke. The boy was starting grad school but due to scholarships wasn't allowed to work. The girl worked three jobs so they could have money, the boy got lonely. Boy said, "Do you mind if we go to the shelter just to look?" Girl knew the last word was a lie.
The door to the cattery was opened by the boy. Twenty cats lazed about a large room, and on the tallest ledge in the back of the room lounged a large white cat. He wasn't fat, quite skinny in fact. Just very long and tall. Cat saw girl and stood up, looked at the girl and sat with the self-confidence of a sphinx, as if to say, "Well mates, my people have come."
The young couple went to the cat and noticed his entire back was covered in scabs and raw skin. The cat had been found with his back greatly injured, and though he spent six months in a shelter in Indiana, no one came to claim him. Sadly, he was completely declawed, but cat had decided these were his people and no one argues with a cat.
Boy and girl adopted cat, but didn't know what to name him. Two days after they brought him home, cat ate the carpet. The young broke couple payed $428 to get carpet back, slightly used. Cat is named $428. Couple comes to the conclusion $428 is a bad name for a cat. Girl votes for Pica, boy says, "No." They go for a drink.
Upon walking home the girl says, "Hey, how about a cat named Dingo?" Boy says, "No." Girl's sister says, "Yes." Cat's name becomes Dingo.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
An Australian Day of Beaches and Ferries
Shortly after they excercised their great skills of continental observation, they sail to shore. Without consorting the native aboriginal peoples, they claim the land for Britain. After their departure they have a few battles with unmoving coral reefs, and eventually return to jolly old England to deliver the news. And what did the British Empire decide to do with a large and lush tropical land? "By jove! What a perfect place to put all our convicts! Not to mention the practical distance. Let's ship them over there quick as a bunny!"
Fast forward at a moderately slow pace to January 26, 1788. When a bloke called Captain Arthur Phillip cruised into what is now Sydney with eleven convict ships. He raised the mighty Union Jack and ta-da! A reason to celebrate January 26th as Australia Day was born. Travel to Australia today, 222 years later, and you'll find a very different-yet-thriving, beautiful, multicultural country.
Bob and I weren't sure how to celebrate Australia Day, so we went to Sydney Harbour to view a few festivities before heading to the beach. Mainly, we watched Sydney's cute ferries - bedecked and spectated to the max- race eachother for honors to the Harbour Bridge.
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